Roasted Chickpea Recipe

Sharing my favorite roasted chickpea recipe with you today! I've been whipping these up for years as the perfect pre-dinner snack, or they're an easy make ahead option for salads and snacking throughout the week. Either way, these spicy crunchy bites are sure to leave you wanting more! Best of all, this recipe requires 5 ingredients and no more than 10min prep time– the hardest part will be waiting ;)

Pro-Tip: Expect chickpeas to shrink when roasted. Since they store well in a sealed jar, I usually double or triple this recipe for guaranteed leftovers.


  • 2 Cans Organic Garbanzo Beans
  • 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
  • 1/8 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1 Lime - Juiced
  • Salt & Pepper to taste

121 Cal / 18g Carbs. / 4g Fat. / 5g Protein  -  1/4c  Roasted Chickpeas

Rinse beans thoroughly, removing as many skins as possible while rinsing. Lay on paper towels to remove excess water. Move to mixing bow and add Olive Oil, Cayenne, Ginger, and Lime Juice. Gently stir in seasonings & transfer to baking sheet (I use a cooling grid on top to assist in even airflow). Sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste. Bake at 250-300 degrees for 45-60min or until desired crispiness is achieved. Enjoy!