October was nothing short of a timelapse, and the optimist in me want to believe it's winding down, but please, that's never been our style....

The month kicked off with a full week of fitness, which is kind of my dream! First I got meet Karina & Katrina of Tone It Up (more on that here), followed by the Chicago Marathon which included a full family visit from Alaska, and our pregnancy announcement!


Immediately following, Paul headed to Scotland and Iceland for a boys' trip with some of his best mates– they all turn 30 this year, so this trip's been in the works for over a year. Also, I can't wait to show you some of their drone footage, these guys so are good!


If you follow on Instagram Stories, you know I got super sick last month. Nothing severe, just a cold that knocked me out. Come to find out, this is totally normal during pregnancy, since your immune system isn't functioning at 100% (learning something new every day during this pregnancy).


While I got a few days to get back to normal, soon my parents arrived for a visit! They haven't been to Chicago since my college graduation, so there was a lot of tourism on the list, and I'm sure this would be a chore for some, but if you live in Chicago you know sightseeing never gets old!

While Paul was gone, I also started going back to Pure Barre, which is always challenging, but after primarily running for the past few months and currently being 20+ weeks pregnant, I'm definitely struggling to keep up, and I'm not gonna lie it's a bit of a blow to my pride. My training has taken a drastic shift now that marathon training's complete, and while I'd like to keep up with a few 4-6 mile runs per week, the focus has shifted from heavy cardio to strength training & pilates/barre. More on the importance of this later ;)


Finally, thank you for all the sweet messages, earlier this week I turned 29, and considering the recent news and changes to come, I couldn't be more excited for the year ahead! I'm not really big on birthdays, neither one of us is, so like Paul's birthday earlier this month, we kept it simple, stayed in, ordered dinner, and shut off our computers for the evening. We prefer to splurge on travel, so big gifts aren't a part of our birthday routine either, which is probably even more evidence that we're getting old... I'm cool with it. 


This week also marks 22 weeks with baby H, and I know a lot of you have been asking for bump updates, but honestly, there hasn't been a lot to show, but our doctor is confident that baby's healthy and growing strong, so everything minus the bump seems right on track (take that for a run-on sentence, and then welcome to stream-of-though as of late). Bump photo at 22 weeks is below and it seems like Baby H is finally starting to make an appearance.... 


Tomorrow my sister arrives for a long weekend, and I can't wait to spoil her with "big city" living. In all honesty, I'm sure we'll keep it pretty casual, but she's the perfect shopping, coffee, and baking date, so it'll be perfect girl time!



It's unlikely that life will wind down before the new year, after all this is just the fun stuff, we also have work Monday to Friday, and the holidays are just around the corner! In times like these, I've noticed some key items that help keep me and my home sane. If you're sensing a busy season ahead, I highly recommend giving these everyday basics a try...

Puretergent– Comes in lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon, is free of many harmful ingredients & will make this everyday chore nearly therapeutic!

Tea Tree Oil– I use this on everything: dryer balls, pillows, and even as a quick air freshener!

Shopping List– I'm still a pen & paper girl, can't t ell you how many of these notepads I've purchased over the years.

Cozy Loungewear– Because looking cute while feeling comfortable is guaranteed to keep your spirits up. 

Nespresso– Other than our Vitamix, this is the most frequently used appliance in our home...

Meal Prep Containers– I'm usually off to work by 5:30am, so when I'm busy, nothing's sweeter than pre-made breakfasts!

Face Mask– Stress can take a toll on your skin, I'm obsessed with this charcoal mask for a quick pick-me-up!